FOX+HEART is a holistic goodness brand for badass homebodies. What was originally started as a product review blog by me—Ricky Lee Barnes—has evolved into an LGBTQ+ owned and operated brand that specializes in fun, functional products that help our friends FEEL GOOD + LOOK GOOD + BE GOOD by living colorfully, showcasing their authentic selves and practicing realistic self-care, every day. The product range includes print-on-demand merchandise showcasing custom F+H designs, in-house created home goods and collaborations with brands and artists I love.

I reinvigorated and transformed this brand during the fall of 2023 after deciding to leave a career I never intended to pursue. It’s been a lot of work, a helluva ride and I hope you enjoy what’s available and what’s to come.

Thank you for swinging through and remember, it’s like I always say…

Be good...or be good at it.
— Ricky Lee